
Showing posts from September, 2007

Porting fron VC6 to VC7 compiler errors

------------------------------------------------------------------------ Code which compiles in VC6 typedef priority_queue *,//value type deque *>,//container type Command ::Compare > REQUESTQUEUE; //comapritor typedef map ::iterator REQUESTQUEUEITR; std::map RequestQueue; std::map ::iterator CurrentItr; Changes to be done to compile in VC7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ typedef priority_queue *,//value type deque *>,//container type typename Command ::Compare > REQUESTQUEUE; //comapritor typedef typename map ::iterator REQUESTQUEUEITR; //todo make this a priority queue - priority_queue std::map RequestQueue; typename std::map ::iterator CurrentItr; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ tags vc7 nested class template cannot access private class declared in class vc7 dependent name is not a type