
Showing posts from 2007

Porting fron VC6 to VC7 compiler errors

------------------------------------------------------------------------ Code which compiles in VC6 typedef priority_queue *,//value type deque *>,//container type Command ::Compare > REQUESTQUEUE; //comapritor typedef map ::iterator REQUESTQUEUEITR; std::map RequestQueue; std::map ::iterator CurrentItr; Changes to be done to compile in VC7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ typedef priority_queue *,//value type deque *>,//container type typename Command ::Compare > REQUESTQUEUE; //comapritor typedef typename map ::iterator REQUESTQUEUEITR; //todo make this a priority queue - priority_queue std::map RequestQueue; typename std::map ::iterator CurrentItr; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ tags vc7 nested class template cannot access private class declared in class vc7 dependent name is not a type

A little Perl goes a long way

I have found Perl as very powerful language , a must in the toolkit for any programmer Here are some Perl code snippets. It is always better to start your perl code with use strict; use warnings; With this you have to declare variable before you use them like my $SearchStep=0; my $line; Also if you want to use special Perl modules like for example working with ini files , you include it use IniFiles; Everything is pretty simple in Perl, only thing is that the syntax can become unreadable; so put in a lot of comments # This is a comment Okay let us jump in -- here is the code to open a file my $FilePath = "system1.txt"; my $opened =open (FH, $FilePath) ; if( !$opened) { print "Cannot open file\n"; die; } and to read line by line from the file my $line; while ( $line = ) { chomp ($line); : Now to test if a line matches a perl pattern if($line = ~ m/ $SearchPattern/ i ) /i stands for case insensitive search. Okay a few other matche examples ( b...

Java JVM high memory usage problems

Though I have some three four years experience in C++ ,I did not have that much oppurtunity to work in Java. Currenly I was doing some analysis for a very simple CLI and was surprised to come with a memory restriction. I found that if I use Java for developing the CLI application I will be exhausting the memory of our Application Server (AS). Just to mention the architecture ,users (telecom operators) use a metaframe server client ( =something like remote desktop) to login to the AS and then open a GUI to work on it. With Java I can service only about 15 clients with the available memory . I just checked the reason for this resource crunch and found that already many Java based GUI's are served by the AS and each is taking some 25 MB or more. The first thing I thought is that adding more RAM will solve this ( though this is not an easy option) . Then I understood that a 32 bit system can have just about 3 gb ram for applciations and our AS had already 4 GB with 1.5 GB VM also co...

Windebug and Adplus for debugging process hang

1. Set the symbol, especillay windows symbols .......26_Merged\UNCRelease;\\blrm2fsp\SCSD-Common\Sym\WinSym2K3SP1 2. Set the souce and image 3. Load the extension dll ( for !locks command ) if not already loaded .load C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows\winxp\kdexts.dll 4. Use the !ntsdexts.locks ( or !locks ) command to see a list of critical section :004> !ntsdexts.locks CritSec ntdll!LdrpLoaderLock +0 at 7C889D94 LockCount -6902 RecursionCount 1 OwningThread 2b3c EntryCount 0 ContentionCount 28f3 *** Locked CritSec +12f9b4 at 0012F9B4 LockCount 0 RecursionCount 0 OwningThread 0 *** Locked CritSec +12f70c at 0012F70C LockCount 0 RecursionCount 0 OwningThread 0 *** Locked CritSec +128202c at 0128202C LockCount -2 RecursionCount 1 OwningThread 3d9c EntryCount 0 ContentionCount 0 *** Locked ----------- A 'LockCount' other than 0 means that many threads are waitiing on t...

windbg command

Wednesday, 25 August 2004 To list all modules loaded by the process -LM (shows the loaded module address also) : WinDebug thread commands To see all threads ~ To freeze all threads ~*F to unfreeze thread 1 ~1U to set the thread ~S copying to stl list If destination is an empty list lstOfInt.push_back(1); lstOfInt.push_back(2); lstOfInt.push_back(3); copy(lstOfInt.begin(),lstOfInt.end(),lstOfIntDest.begin() ); -->WRONG copy(lstOfInt.begin(),lstOfInt.end(),back_inserter(lstOfIntDest) ); -->CORRECT

CORBA - C++ Client (ACE TAO) Java Server (JacORB) A simple example

Step 1 I downloaded the binary relaease of JacOrb Extracted the zip file to E:\Program Files\JacORB-2.2.4\ Step 2 Then also downloaded Ant Also jdk was downloaded and installed Step 3 Then created the batch file (to set the path) Set ANT_HOME=E:\Program Files\Java_Ant\apache-ant-1.6.5 Set JAVA_HOME=E:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_03 Set JACORB_HOME=E:\Program Files\JacORB-2.2.4 Set Path=%ANT_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%JACORB_HOME%\bin;%JACORB_HOME%; Set CLASSPATH=%JAVA_HOME%\lib;%JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib;%JAVA_HOME%;%JACORB_HOME%\lib; ----now to configure JacORB - In the command promt E:\Program Files\Java_Ant\apache-ant-1.6.5>ant jaco E:\Program Files\Java_Ant\apache-ant-1.6.5>ant idlcmd okay that’s done Now write the idl --- test1.idl------ module Quoter1 { //a test interface interface Stock { double price(); //to get the quote of the stock readonly attribute string symbol; readonly attribute string fullname; }; //interface to get the stock object exception InvalidStockSymbol {}; //to...