Java JVM high memory usage problems
Though I have some three four years experience in C++ ,I did not have that much oppurtunity to work in Java. Currenly I was doing some analysis for a very simple CLI and was surprised to come with a memory restriction. I found that if I use Java for developing the CLI application I will be exhausting the memory of our Application Server (AS). Just to mention the architecture ,users (telecom operators) use a metaframe server client ( =something like remote desktop) to login to the AS and then open a GUI to work on it. With Java I can service only about 15 clients with the available memory . I just checked the reason for this resource crunch and found that already many Java based GUI's are served by the AS and each is taking some 25 MB or more. The first thing I thought is that adding more RAM will solve this ( though this is not an easy option) . Then I understood that a 32 bit system can have just about 3 gb ram for applciations and our AS had already 4 GB with 1.5 GB VM also co...