A little Perl goes a long way
I have found Perl as very powerful language , a must in the toolkit for any programmer Here are some Perl code snippets. It is always better to start your perl code with use strict; use warnings; With this you have to declare variable before you use them like my $SearchStep=0; my $line; Also if you want to use special Perl modules like for example working with ini files , you include it use IniFiles; Everything is pretty simple in Perl, only thing is that the syntax can become unreadable; so put in a lot of comments # This is a comment Okay let us jump in -- here is the code to open a file my $FilePath = "system1.txt"; my $opened =open (FH, $FilePath) ; if( !$opened) { print "Cannot open file\n"; die; } and to read line by line from the file my $line; while ( $line = ) { chomp ($line); : Now to test if a line matches a perl pattern if($line = ~ m/ $SearchPattern/ i ) /i stands for case insensitive search. Okay a few other matche examples ( b...