Service mix error compiling SA - "does not have a dependency which is packaged as a jbi-component or a project property 'componentName'"
This error used to come especially when you have two or more service units that is dependent on the same component (ex a file sender and a file poller , both being dependent on servicemix-file component) Googling found me that this was an error - but putting the componentName property was not working. In the end updated the verison of the jbi-maven-plugin to verison 4.0 in the pom.xml of the Service Assembly - SA org.apache.servicemix.tooling jbi-maven-plugin 4.0 true service-assembly (Note this error was comming only when you compile the SA and the individual compilation of the SU was going fine; Also this can come if you have for example not put the depedencies, or say the correct verison of the dependencies in the pom.xml of the SU)