Running Jstestdriver with PhantomJs in Windows
Using JSTestDriver with PhantomJS Locally PahntomJS is command line web browser JSTestDriver can be integrated to Jenkins; it can also be used for unit testing JavaScritpt Code; Only that it needs a browser running to execute the test cases.Using PahntomJs as the browser will remove the need for a GUI browser to be launched from the script driven CI evnironment. Steps First start JStestdriver D:\Coding\lib>java -jar JsTestDriver-1.3.5.jar --port 9876 --captureConsole --runnerMode DEBUG Starting Phantomjs browser and using it to capture the JStestdriver Download Phantomjs Download and use the javascript that is used to capture the pahntom browser d:\Program_Files\phantomjs-1.7.0-windows>phantomjs.exe phantomjs-jstd.js Wed Oct 31 2012 12:07:26 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time): Attempting (1) to load: http://localhost:9876/capture Run your JStestdiver...