Clojure and maven
I had started about learning clojure and though the REPL interpreter seems to be the standard way of starting learning, I wanted to do it in a more Test driven method using maven. So I created a source and test directory and went about writing a simple learn.clj and a simple testlearn.clj. Took some time to figure things out and make the tests work
Here is the directory structure
(Learn.clj dir structure \NetBeans2\ClojureLearn2\src\main\clojure\my\clojure\learn.clj)
(TestLern.clj dir structure \NetBeans2\ClojureLearn2\src\test\clojure\my\clojure\Testlearn.clj)
And here is the pom.xml dir ( \ClojureLearn2\pom.xml)
(Learn.clj dir structure \NetBeans2\ClojureLearn2\src\main\clojure\my\clojure\learn.clj)
(ns my.clojure.learn
(defn main [args]
(println "A red apple tree" )
(println (def x(str "Hello " args "!")) )
(defn add [x y]
(+ x y)
( defn workingwithlist []
(println "In the function workingwithlist")
(def listx (list 1 (add 1 1) 3 4 ))
(doseq [item listx]
(println item))
(TestLern.clj dir structure \NetBeans2\ClojureLearn2\src\test\clojure\my\clojure\Testlearn.clj)
(ns my.clojure.Testlearn
(:use my.clojure.learn)
(:use clojure.test)
(deftest test-add
; equals is easy what about not equal to
(is(not= 5 (add 1 2)))
(deftest test-add2
; equals is easy what about not equal to
(is(= 3 (add 1 2)))
(deftest test-helloworld
(is(= "Hello World!"(main "World")))
(deftest test-lists
(list? (workingwithlist))
And here is the pom.xml dir ( \ClojureLearn2\pom.xml)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">