Checking Memory Corruption using Gflags and NTSD debugger

>gflags /p /enable mmladc.exe
path: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options mmladc.exe: page heap enabled
>gflags /p
path: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options mmladc.exe: page heap enabled with flags (traces )
>ntsd -g -x -pn mmladc.exe
If there is a heap corruption you will see something like this
VERIFIER STOP 00000006: pid 0x3634: corrupted heap pointer or using wrong heap
01421000 : Heap used in the call
0152C100 : Heap block
00000000 : Block size
70F0F0F0 : Heap owning the block
Line number information will be loaded


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